Something unsettled and forgotten (NOR)

These are some of the pictures my friend and I took on the first location of our Saturday-trip. (The first batch of pictures from the second location can be seen here: The Green Lantern”) I have decided, out of respect for those that lived here, to keep this location a secret, and therefore I will not post pictures revealing the exact spot. I have to say, this place is one of the strangest I have visited, not only because it was still fully furnished, but also because, unlike most locations I have explored, the house seemed nearly untouched, There were nearly no signs of vandalism whatsoever, the only traces we found where of rodents and pests.

We planned this visit after someone tipped my friend about it. They also told my friend of a second location in the area, which we found that, sadly, had been demolished. We found a third location that looked interesting enough, but we couldn’t find a way to get inside.

By the way, if you know of some abandoned place or ”drain” that might be of interest, please, do tell! I’ll be very happy for every suggestion and tip you might have, and you may of course ask me for locations aswell. I’ll have to get some form of proof that you are an urban explorer before sharing locations, though. I don’t want these places to be vandalized because I wasn’t careful enough with who I share information with.


This newspaper contains an article about the cold war and the wall built between West-Berlin and East-Berlin, dated back to 1961.




  1. […] friend and I  decided to visit two abandoned houses (Something unsettled and forgotten) this warm Saturday in December, warm in Norwegian standards. This is a small cabin located in Oslo […]

  2. Hey great spots and pictures,!! Really love this place! I am registred at the UE site and am seriously into UE! Would apreciate if you would share this place with me! Got some cool spots to share aswell!
    Mail me :

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